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SouthEnd Minor Hockey Association

Rowan's Law

Rowan Stringer, a high school Rugby player from Ottawa, Ontario, passed away 3 years ago from Second Impact Syndrome due to multiple concussions suffered within a short period of time.
A coroner’s inquest into her death resulted in 49 recommendations to be implemented in an effort to prevent another tragedy such as this from happening in the future. Rowan’s Law, was passed unanimously at the Ontario Legislature on June 7, 2016.

The Law
The coroner’s inquest into Rowan’s death resulted in 49 recommendations, including (but not limited to):
  • Increased education and awareness for parents, coaches, athletes, and teachers surrounding concussion injuries
  • Better tools for coaches and trainers to identify concussions
  • Concussion policies in place at all school boards and sports associations across Ontario
  • Increased education and training for healthcare professionals to better treat and manage concussions

The Rowan’s Law concussion awareness rules came into effect on July 1, 2019. After that date, sport organizations must not register athletes under 26 years of age* into a sport activity unless they, as well as their parent (for athletes under 18), provide confirmation that they have reviewed one of the Concussion Awareness Resources within the previous twelve months.

It is important to understand that this applies to all Sport Organizations, schools, programs and businesses in the province.  This is not optional.  It is not a hockey ‘thing’ – it is legislation (Ontario Regulation 161/19) from the Government of Ontario

Rowan's Law and SouthEnd Minor Hockey

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