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SouthEnd Minor Hockey Association



Q. What equipment does a player need to play hockey?

Q: Can girls play in the South End Minor Hockey Association?

Q: What is the Under7 (U7) Program?



What equipment does a player need to play hockey?

Full equipment must be worn at both practices and games. Equipment need not be new, but whatever your child wears ought to be in good condition and fit properly. It is especially important that skates be the right size and sharpened regularly during the season.

Full equipment consists of:

·         CSA-approved helmet with wire face guard or full plastic face shield.  Note: Original earpiece must be intact and no additional decals or stickers may be affixed

·         Mouth guard - Highly recommended to protect a player's teeth and jaw from injury

·         BNQ-approved throat protector (bib-style recommended)

·         Shoulder pads

·         Hockey suspenders (optional)

·         Hockey pants

·         Elbow pads

·         Hockey jersey (game jerseys are supplied by SEMHA but players will also require a practice jersey. Some teams buy matching practice jerseys)

·         Wrist guards (recommended but not mandatory)

·         Hockey gloves

·         Athletic supporter (aka jock or jill) ;

·         Garter belt (may not be required if athletic supporter is in shorts style with velcro strips)

·         Hockey socks - game socks purchased by team through SEMHA to coordinate with game jerseys but an additional pair for practice may be required

·         Shin guards

·         Long underwear or something comfortable for wearing under equipment

·         Skates

·         Stick of appropriate length (to nose when wearing skates)

·         Hockey tape for the stick

·         Hockey bag 

Can girls play in the SouthEnd Minor Hockey Association?

A: Yes, girls who live within the boundaries of the SouthEnd Minor Hockey Association are welcome to play. Girls playing in the SEMHA play on Integrated Teams (i.e. teams with both boys and girls but which are commonly referred to as "boys" teams). However, due to the relative number of registrations of boys to girls, any given team will have either 0, 1, or 2 girls on the roster. Girls living within the boundaries of the SouthEnd Minor Hockey Association also have the option of playing "girls" hockey (where the teams are made up entirely of girls, of course) by registering in a girls hockey association. It is useful to note that boys and girls hockey associations are governed by different bodies and therefore have different rules concerning eligibility and league structure.  Most notably, eligibility based on residence is determined by each association and a girl resident within the boundaries of the SouthEnd Minor Hockey Association may have the option to choose one of several girls associations.  Also of note is the fact that most girls associations offer both recreational and competitive hockey. However, not all associations field competitive teams at every level.

What is the Under7 (U7) Program?

1.  The program
The Under7 (U7) program welcomes all children, regardless of skill level, and is meant as an introduction to the sport of hockey.  It consists of basic skill development - skating, puck handling, rules of the game etc.  Practices are run with small groups and lots of games.  Having fun is the number one priority!
     This year there is a U7 program running once per week along with the regular U7 program running twice a week.

2.  Schedule
Our Initiation Program runs from September through February/March usually usually scheduled on weekend mornings.  Times will vary.

3.  Equipment
Please see list above in the FAQ.

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