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SouthEnd Minor Hockey Association

Clinics and Training

Quick Links

1. Respect in Sport
2. Trainer Certification
3. Trainer Re-Certification
4. Intro Coach
5. Coach Stream
6. Clinic Dates
7. Gender Identity Course Training - Understanding Discrimination based in Gender Identity and Gender Expression and A Guide to the Dressing Room Policy and Confidentiality Statement

General Overview

The Ottawa District Hockey Association requires all volunteers to attend special clinics to ensure we meet Hockey Canada's standards and receive proper training.  Please see below to view what requirements you need as a volunteer.

For additional information that is not listed on the website, please contact SEMHA's Risk and Safety Director, Kim Collingwood.

Every year, SEMHA hosts many of the clinics required by the ODHA and these clinics are offered free of charge to SouthEnd volunteers.  While SEMHA volunteers may choose to attend clinics offered by another association (for a list of all clinics, please visit the visit Hockey Eastern Ontario's website (formerly ODHA), it is preferred if all SEMHA volunteers attended the clinics hosted by SEMHA in order to keep costs down.  SEMHA will reimburse the cost of attending clinics offered by other associations if arranged in advance with the Risk & Safety Director.  

What clinics and certifications do I need as a volunteer?

NEW! All Assistant Coaches now require their coaching certification

Mandatory (*) Volunteer Requirements:

Volunteer Position Online volunteer registration on the SEMHA website (Google Document) Current Vulnerable Sector Police Check Respect In Sport Leader Course Gender Identity & Expression Course Coach 1 (Intro to Coaching/
Coach Level)
Hockey University Online Coach 1/2 course Coach 2
(Coach Level)
Hockey Trainer Certification Program (HTCP) Level 1
Head Coach * * * * *Under-7 (U7)
*Under-9 (U9)
*All levels All Coaches at levels above Under-9 (U9)  
Assistant Coach * * * * *Under-7 (U7)
*Under-9 (U9)
*All levels Recommended but not required for all levels above Under-9 (U9)  
Trainer * * * *       *
Manager * * * *        
On-Ice Helper * * * * *Under-7 (U7)      - 

Hockey Canada's National Coach Certification Program (NCCP) is a program that has been developed to enable coaches to build their coaching tools and knowledge of the game, so they can work effectively with their players. To learn more, please visit Hockey Canada's website or view Hockey Canada's the NCCP program overview.

Clinic Dates

For online course information, please click the corresponding links in the following table:
Course Date Location Info
Respect in Sport / Speak Out Ongoing Online Click here
Trainer Ongoing Online Click here
Trainer Recertification Ongoing Online Click here
Intro Coach Please see HEO list of clinics   Click here
Coach Stream*** Pre-learning Online Click here
  Please see HEO list of clinics   Click here

*** All new coaches must complete the e-learning portion before they are eligible to sign up for the classroom.  

Respect in Sport (Speak Out)

Hockey Canada has released the Respect in Sport program in addition to the Speak Out clinics.  This program is offered on-line and as such, we will no longer be hosting the clinic through SEMHA.  To learn more about the program, please visit the Respect in Sport website.

You will need to pay for the clinic and submit your receipt to our Risk and Safety Director for reimbursement along with a copy of your certification.


Next Clinic Date:  
SEMHA will not be hosting any trainer clinics for this season.

You can register for the course through other associations (see ODHA's website for clinic dates and locations) or you can take the online trainer's course. 

To Register for the online 


Trainer Re-Certification
(HTCP On-line level 1 & level 1 refresher course)

The clinic is available for participants who’s HTCP Certification expires on August 31st of the current year. This course will only be available for participants who are renewing for the first time following attendance at a full Level I clinic or completion of the On-Line Level I Course.

Coach Stream (Coach 2 - Coach level)

Pre-learning Requirement:  All In order to register for the classroom clinic, you must have successfully completed the e-learning portion.  To sign up for eLearning, visit Hockey Canada's  and select eHockey registration page at and select the *HU - Comm Coach Stream course. 

Next Clinic Date:  Please see HEO list of clinics here. (1 full day of classroom which includes 2 hours of on-ice training)

***Please note that you will be required to pay up-front, but the association will reimburse you.  Please submit your receipt to

Intro Coach

Next Clinic Date:  Please see the HEO list of clinics here (1 full day of classroom which includes 2 hours of on-ice training)

***Please note that you will be required to pay up-front, but the association will reimburse you.  Please submit your receipt to

New Referees Wanted


Ottawa South Logo Contest


SouthEnd MHA and Canterbury MHA Moving Forward 2024-2025


Checking from Behind Incidents & Suspensions
