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SouthEnd Minor Hockey Association

Information and Forms


Registration for 2024-2025 Is Now Open

CASE House League Registration

SouthEnd Minor Hockey and Canterbury Minor Hockey continue to operate as partners for the 2024-2025 season towards an eventual merger into a larger association.  This partnership is referred to as CASE Hockey.

If you are interested in joining CASE Hockey and have any questions, please contact our Registrar.

Competitive Players - Please see our Competitive Registration page.

Financial Assistance is available through various programs.

2023-2024 Age Categories

Division Birth Year
Under-7 (U7) 2018-2020
Under-9 (U9) 2016-2017
Under-11 (U11) 2014-2015
Under-13 (U13) 2012-2013
Under-15 (U15) 2010-2011
Under-18 (U18) 2007-2009
Under-21 (U21) 2004-2006

Hockey Registration Information Below

Register as soon as possible to reserve your spot for the upcoming season. 

All Players Need to Register Through the Hockey Canada Portal

Players planning to tryout for one of the competitive levels MUST register with their "Home" association in advance of their first tryout with a competitive team, you must complete a separate registration with the competitive team to attend try-outs.  Payments will not be required for this Home association registration.  If a player is released from Competitive try-outs and returns to CASE they will have to register for House League through the Hockey Canada Portal.  A spot will be held for you, do not register for Competitive and House League. 

Players that are not registered with their home association will not be allowed to participate until the registration is complete.

Get more information on the Player Programs offered by SEMHA and CMHA (CASE) and Competitive Leagues on our Player Programs page.

Registration Procedure

1.  Boundary - Verify that you live in the SouthEnd/Canterbury boundary CASE Boundaries.  You can use this locator tool.

Players living within the CASE Boundaries must register with SEMHA.

If you do not live within the SouthEnd/Canterbury boundary but would like to request to play with CASE you need to complete the Transfer form  and send it to the Association Registrar


2.  Online Registration - Go to the online Registration Form and complete the player information, online payment and code of conduct.   Registration and payment can be done on-line and off-line.

Applicable fees are described below.  Financial assistance may be available to families in need as well as assistance with equipment.

There is an option to pay the registration fee in installments. 

3.  NEW Players - If you are registering a NEW minor hockey player.  You will be asked to upload various pieces of documentation.

  • a copy of the player's Birth Certificate (to confirm date of birth)
  • a Proof of Residency document (e.g. utilities statement with your name and address)
4.   NEW Players to CASE Hockey (ie: coming from another Minor Hockey Association because of a move), after registering, please also send:  a completed HEO Attestation of InterBranch/Association Residency Form (if the player played with another association before) to the Association Registrar by email to along with Proof of Residence
If you have any questions please review the Transfer Policy or contact our registrar.

*** MANDATORY - Parents of players New to hockey in Canada will need to complete the Respect in Sport - Parent Program  prior to the start of the hockey season.  Please see Respect in Sport Parent for more information and contact the Association Registrar to receive a payment code.  You must register your child for hockey with CASE Hockey before receiving the code.
N.B. - If you have already completed the Respect in Sport - Parent Program for an older child you do not have to take the course again but you have to associate the new player to your RIS profile.   

5.  Season Kick Off - You will be contacted  in late August or early September by email by your respective convenor for the start-up procedure of the new season.  If you are registered and have not heard anything by September 1 please email the Association Registrar.


Registration Fees FOR 2024-2025

Individual Team Fees are not included in this fee schedule.  Team fees can cover various additional costs such as tournaments, extra ice, team gear, end of year party.


Collection of Fees

Full Fee payment deadline is October 1st, 2024
  • Fees can be paid in full at the time of registration
  • Fees can be paid in installments
    • When paying in installments, the following percentages of the total fee will be collected at the times listed
      • 40% of the registration fee is due upon registration
      • 50% of the outstanding balance is due on September 1, 2024
      • 50% of the outstanding balance is due on October 1, 2024
Installment amounts below are approximate calculations.


Year of Birth 

Optional Installment Plan Available

Full Payment
    With Registration September 1 October  1  
Under-7 (U7) 1 Hour per week 2018 - 2020 $162.40 $121.80 $121.80 $406
Under-7 (U7) 2 Hours per week 2018 - 2020 $236.00 $177.00 $177.00 $590
Under-9 (U9) 2016 - 2017 $298.40 $223.80 $223.80 $746
Under-11 (U11) 2014 - 2015 $298.40 $223.80 $223.80 $746
Under-13 (U13) 2012 - 2013 $307.20 $230.40 $230.40 $768
Under-15 (U15) 2010 - 2011 $307.20 $230.40 $230.40 $768
Under-18 (U18) 2007 - 2009 $318.00 $238.50 $238.50 $795
Under-21 (U21) 2004 - 2006 $251.20 $188.40   $188.40  $628

Family Discount Plan

Families with three or more children registering with CASE (includes competitive) will be eligible for a discount of $75/child.  A reimbursement cheque will be provided after October 15.  Please contact the Association Registrar.

Refund Information

All refund requests must be made in writing to the Association Registrar.  Refunds will be made according to the following schedule:

Date of Refund Request

Refund Amount (percentage of fees paid)

On or before September 1


On or before October 1


On or before November 1


On or before December 1


After December 1



Financial Assistance

Financial assistance may be available to pay for registration and equipment through these organizations. CASE also has access to spare equipment if needed.  Please contact the Association Registrar.

  • Unfortunately we have been informed that Jump Start by Canadian Tire is currently not accepting applications from the Ottawa area 
Equipment for Kids
The Ottawa Senators along with Canadian Tire, the Ottawa Senators Foundation and Hockey Eastern Ontario, have joined forces to make hockey more accessible to disadvantaged youth across our region by collecting gently used and new hockey equipment.
Should you or someone you know be interested in obtaining free hockey equipment please contact Jeff Robert of Hockey Eastern Ontario by phone at 613-224-7686 or by email at

New Referees Wanted


Ottawa South Logo Contest


SouthEnd MHA and Canterbury MHA Moving Forward 2024-2025


Checking from Behind Incidents & Suspensions
