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SouthEnd Minor Hockey Association

Becoming A Volunteer: What You Need to Know

Thank you for your interest in volunteering! Please see below for the list of qualifications and/or certifications required to become a SEMHA volunteer. 

Please feel free to contact the SEMHA Risk & Safety Director at or the Registrar at if you have any questions.
Mandatory (*) Volunteer Requirements:
Volunteer Position Online volunteer registration on the Hockey Canada Registration Portal Current Vulnerable Sector Police Check Respect In Sport Activity Leader Course Gender Identity & Expression Course Coach 1 (Intro to Coaching/
Coach Level)
Hockey University Online Coach 1/2 course Coach 2
(Coach Level)
Hockey Trainer Certification Program (HTCP) Level 1
Head Coach * * * * *Under-7 (U7)
*Under-9 (U9)
*All levels All Coaches at levels above Under-9 (U9)  
Assistant Coach * * * * *Under-7 (U7)
*Under-9 (U9)
*All levels Recommended but not required for all levels above Under-9 (U9)  
Trainer * * * *       *
Manager * * * *        
On-Ice Helper * * * * *Under-7 (U7)      
Please be advised that failure to complete the mandatory training may result in a delay in the team roster being approved or your ability to participate in your assigned role.  This can also impact the ability to register the team for tournaments in a timely manner.
Becoming a SEMHA Volunteer:
Step 1: Online volunteer registration through the Hockey Canada Registration Portal

 Step 2: Complete Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC - level 3 check)
  • A VSC is not the same as a CRC (Criminal Reference Check) which was previously referred to as a PRC (Police Reference Check).
  • All volunteers over the age of 18 years must have a VSC to participate.
  • Volunteers under the age of 18 years (on-ice helpers) must have a CRC to participate.
 Please Note - Only on-line applications are being accepted by the Ottawa Police Service
  • The VSC can now be completed on-line.
  • To be able to complete your Background Request online, you will be required to meet the following conditions:
    • Must be at least 18 years or older
    • Be able to access your own personal email on your own device at home at the time of applying with the ability to retrieve your emails at home
    • You are required to possess a Bank Account with Credit History to complete Electronic Identity Verification (eIV) process
    • You will need to be able to provide your SIN number for eIV processing at the time of applying
    • You are required to be a resident of Ottawa only for the last 5 years.
    • If applicable, please have your Volunteer Letter which confirms your name/position (on official organization letterhead) with you.  You will need to save this letter to your desktop and/or USB and upload it to your online application.  To the best of our knowledge there is no charge to request a VSC.  However this may change without notice.  Any application fees will not be reimbursed.
    • You will be asked to create an account with a Username & Password combination
      • To create the Username:
        • must be at least 6 characters & it must be unique
      •  Create the Password:
        • must be at least 8 characters
        • must contain an upper and lower-case character
        • a number, and,
        • at least 1 special character (i.e., $&+,:;=?!<>^@#|)
  • If for any reason you have to visit the Ottawa Police service to complete this process, they will contact you to make an appointment.  We have heard there is a wait of roughly 2 months for appointments.
To apply online:
  • First, print and fill out the Volunteer Letter
  • Then go to the Ottawa Police Service website at
  • Create an account and then register for the Vulnerable Sector Check (Option 3).
  • Proof of VSC submission is sufficient to allow for a volunteer to start to fulfill their duties (i.e., VSC Receipt).
  • When you receive confirmation of your VSC, please forward the hard copy or electronic attachment to the Risk & Safety Director.
  • Note: Social Insurance Number cards are not accepted for in-person submissions
  • Please Check Ottawa Police Website for accepted forms of identification
  • Proof that you reside within the city of Ottawa/Gatineau-Hull if applying for a Vulnerable Sector Check or a Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check
  • A completed Police Record Check form indicating that a Vulnerable Sector Check – level 3 is required and all required information has been provided.
  • When you receive confirmation of your VSC, please forward the hard copy or electronic attachment to the Risk & Safety Director.
    • Please submit your completed electronic or paper version VSC via email to the SEMHA Risk & Safety Director, at 
When you apply on line or in person you may have one of several outcomes:
  • VSC cleared and you will have received an electronic or paper document stating your cleared status.
  • VSC dependent on proof of ID – The online application is partially complete.  You must provide proof in person of who you are. This must be done within 30 days of your application to remain valid or you must repeat the process.  Once additional photo identification has been provided, the Ottawa Police will process your VSC at that time.
  • VSC dependent on fingerprinting – The online application is partially complete.  You must go to the Ottawa Police Services Office (Queensview Drive office) in person to have fingerprinting done. 
  • This must be done within 30 days of your application to remain valid or you must repeat the process.
SEMHA is required to submit key information from the completed VSC to Hockey Canada.  Copies will be retained electronically on an encrypted usb and deleted at time of expiration. All hard copies will be destroyed in a secure manner.
It is important that you retain the original copy for your files.

Step 3:  Set up a Hockey Canada Profile
  • Login to Hockey Canada with your email address or create an account Spordle 
  • You will need to provide an email address and set a password. You can then add your son/daughter to your profile.
Step 4: Register & Complete Mandatory “Gender Identity & Expression Course” – Free Online Course
  • This course must be completed at the start of the season and no later than October 30th of the current season. Failure to complete the course will result in removal from the team staff roster or delays in Hockey Canada finalizing and approval of the team roster.
  • Details on the whole process, if needed, may be found on a link with Hockey Eastern Ontario (HEO).
  • There are two places you need to go to complete the Gender Identity course.
  • First go to the website link page:
    • On the right-hand side of the page will be found “Register for the training.”
    • Click on this link. Scroll to bottom of the page to register.
    • You will be asked to sign into your Hockey Canada Profile Account or to create an account for yourself if you have not already done so.
    • Complete your registration.
  • Once registered for the Gender Identity & Expression Course at the HEO site, THEN you must go to a separate website to take the courses:
    • This is where the two (2) modules will be found.
    • As soon as you have completed the modules, the course will show on your ehockey account as attended and passed.  
  • You must indicate you are with SouthEnd and it will link the completed course to your Hockey Profile account
  • Note:
    • For coaches, there are education and awareness requirements for discussion with players and parents that must be completed at the start of the season pertaining to the Confidentiality & Dressing Room Policies.
    • The documents are also available on line for your reference as you complete the online module or afterwards.
  • Upon completion of the course, an email confirming completion should be sent to the SEMHA Risk & Safety Director ( and the SEMHA Regstrar (
Step 5:  Register & Complete Mandatory “Respect in Sport – Leader” – Reimbursable On-line course;
Step 6:  Complete appropriate coaching & training courses based on volunteer position      
There are times when young persons may want to help a team on the ice. We typically refer to them as On Ice Helpers.
  • On-Ice Helpers must submit a Criminal Reference Check (CRC). A vulnerable Sector Check is not available for individuals younger than 18yrs. Please follow the process provided for Online or In Person applications.
  • On- Ice Helpers must be either a “registered” member of a minor hockey association, or a junior hockey league, or an on-ice official. This ensures that insurance coverage has been secured.
  • On-Ice helpers must be at minimum one age division higher than the team which they are volunteering with and at least 14 years of age.
  • Younger helpers must wear at minimum a CSA certified helmet +/- face protection (as required by their level of hockey), neck guard as well as hockey skates and gloves. The SEMHA encourages younger helpers to also wear shin pads and elbow pads for added protection in the event of a fall. 
IMPORTANT!!! Please forward your proofs of certifications (Respect in Sports, Coaching Clinics, Trainer’s Courses) to the SEMHA Registrar, Tanya Burger via email at  Registrar.  Proofs need only be forwarded once unless a new certification or refresher has been completed. Original copies should be retained for your records. Scanned copies sent via email as well as photocopies are acceptable forms of proof. SEMHA will reimburse volunteers for courses and certifications. Please submit your receipts to the SEMHA treasurer, via email at Unless otherwise specified or requested, reimbursements will be issued in the form of a cheque and mailed to you.

Please feel free to contact the SEMHA Risk & Safety Director at if you have any questions.


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